BID #13492
Gas Utilities
Due Date: Ongoing
Pre Bid Meeting Date:2014-05-07 00:00:00
Drilling and installation of sixteen (16) vertical LFG extraction wells in Areas C and D of the Lanchester Landfill including installation of wellheads; installation of lateral piping and tie-in to existing laterals or headers. Four (4) leachate recirculation blankets will be installed including installation of piping, valves, and tie-in to existing leachate recirculation piping. Three (3) piezometers will be installed including PVC caps. Three (3) horizontal collectors will be installed including installation of lateral piping, wellheads and tie-in to existing laterals or headers. The work also includes abandonment of four (4) collectors in the uncapped areas of the landfill; surveying; site preparation; and erosion & sedimentation controls within the limits of construction.