RFX #58593
Other Professional Services 

Workshop presenters for gardening and conservation

Due Date: Ongoing

EBMUD is requesting information from qualified presenters and workshop facilitators in the area of sustainable gardening and outdoor water conservation. Information received will be used to create a roster of speakers and facilitators in the subject area in support of EBMUD's WaterSmart Gardener Program, Landscape Rebate Program, and general conservation education. Ongoing - there is no deadline for the current roster, but interested parties are encouraged to submit their information as soon as possible to be considered for calendar years 2018 and 2019. "Please see bid link for more information" https://www.ebmud.com/business-center/requests-proposal-rfps/workshop-presenters-gardening-and-conservation/

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Becky Sharpe
Email Address: [email protected]

East Bay Municipal Utility District