RFX #13627
Websites and Networks Design
Wireless LAN and Cabling for Access Points
Due Date: Ongoing
Wireless Equipment Specifications: 1. It is anticipated, considering the size of the campus that up to 40 access points will be required. The successful vendor will provide a complete survey and assessment of the campus to determine an accurate number of AP's and placement to provide adequate coverage and bandwidth. Additionally, the successful vendor will provide as-built documentation, including a Heat Map, at the conclusion of the installation. 2. The preferred equipment brand/model is Aruba AP-225. However, equivalent brands that are compliant with the 802.11ac standard can be quoted and will be considered. A wireless network that doesn't use a WLAN controller will be considered if the product provides a central point of management for the AP's. Please include a statement with your quote indicating the level of partnership your organization has with the original equipment manufacturer being proposed. 3. All equipment installed will be labeled by the successful vendor using durable labels. Labels will identify E-Rate year and E-Rate Funding Request Number. 4. The minimum acceptable warranty period is 3 years. Please specify the warranty period for all equipment quoted. If there is a cost to extend the warranty to meet the minimum requirement, please include this cost in the quote under ineligible for E-Rate support.