BID #58070
Other Roads and Drainage Services 

WCR 13 Roadside Ditch Erosion Mitigation Design

Due Date: Ongoing

The Town of Windsor ("Town") is soliciting proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide professional engineering services for the design of roadside ditch and erosion control improvements along a portion of Weld County Road 13 ("WCR 13"), beginning at and continuing approximately 3000 feet south of the Cache La Poudre River. Three (3) copies of the proposal package must be submitted to the Town of Windsor by 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 11, 2016. Proposals can be mailed or hand delivered to the Omar R. Herrera, 301 Walnut Street, Windsor, Colorado 80550. Proposals shall be sent in a sealed envelope and clearly labeled: "Proposal – WCR 13 Roadside Ditch Erosion Mitigation Design".

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Kelly Arnold
Phone Number: 970-674-2400
Email Address: [email protected]
Fax Number: 970-674-2456

City of Windsor

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