BID #13743
Garbage and Recycling Collection 

Vacuum Truck Cleaning Service

Due Date: Ongoing

The required construction is for the Vacuum Truck Cleaning Services. The following is the required scope of work: Prior to any construction: 1. If required, the Contractor shall include all applicable permitting fees from the City of Riviera Beach or any other agency having jurisdiction. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining and paying for this permit as part of Base Bid prior to commencement of construction. Vacuum Truck Cleaning Services 1. The Vacuum Truck Cleaning Services contract will be for one-year with two one-year extension options as required by the Port of Palm Beach District. 2. The contractor shall coordinate all work with the Port's Engineer or Director of Operations and Maintenance as required for this work. 3. The contractor is responsible for all maintenance of traffic required for all outside work for the project. 4. The Vacuum Truck Cleaning Services is required for the cleaning out of storm and sanitary sewer pipes and structures. Vacuum Truck Cleaning Services 05/25/2014 5. The vacuum truck shall be equipped with a "jet" sprayer. 6. The contractor is responsible for the legal and proper disposal of all waste material off-site of the Port's property. General: 1. If required for construction, t he Port of Palm Beach will supply water for the project . The contractor shall coordinate the water supply with the Director of Operations or the Port Duty Officers.

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Jarra Kaczwara
Phone Number: 561-383-4134
Email Address: [email protected]

Port of Palm Beach