BID #13554
Elevator Installation and Maintenance 

Upgrade of Elevator Equipment at City Hall Building

Due Date: Ongoing

The City of Brighton, Colorado by and through its Procurement & Contracts Manager is soliciting written sealed proposals from qualified firms to perform the Upgrade of Elevator Equipment at City Hall, located at 500 South 4th Avenue, Brighton, Colorado 80601. The proposal includes the upgrade of the existing Car operating panels, position indicators, hall stations, and corresponding equipment. The proposed equipment must be ADA compliant, meet all building codes, and be wired and interfaced with the existing control system. All operating buttons must be vandal proof style buttons and activate with a minimum amount of force. Included in the required equipment will be voice enunciation that will announce each floor as it arrives and the direction of travel when the car door opens.

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Sharon Williams
Phone Number: 303-655-2001
Email Address: [email protected]

City of Brighton

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