BID #58051
Road and Drainage Services 

South Platte Interceptor Interconnect Construction

Due Date: Ongoing

The City of Brighton, Colorado by and through its Procurement & Contracts Division is soliciting written sealed Bids from qualified firms to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, and material as necessary for the South Platte Interceptor Interconnect Construction. The City of Brighton has agreed to downsize their wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) due to the construction of Metro Wastewater Reclamation District's (Metro) Northern Treatment Plant. Brighton intends to start sending a portion of their wastewater to Metro via an interconnect which will begin at Brighton's current diversion vault and intersect at a connection point that was constructed by Metro during their South Platte Interceptor construction project.

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Sharon Williams
Phone Number: 303-655-2001
Email Address: [email protected]

City of Brighton

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