BID #12274
Building Construction 

Sherwood Rain Garden

Due Date: Ongoing

Pre Bid Meeting Date:2013-03-12 00:00:00

The work shall consist of all necessary class "C" earthwork, equipment, materials, and labor to construct a rain garden basin as indicated on the plans. The contractor shall provide as part of this pay item: class "C" earthwork, geo-textile fabric (MSD Type 4), 3/4" clean gravel, cleanout, planting soil, concrete sand, pea gravel, earthwork for berm, any additional incidental fill material, or haul off and disposal of excess material, as required to reach final grades. All removed items shall be disposed of legally off-site.

Original BID Post: Go to Post

Original BID Documents: Go to Document

Phone Number: 314-963-5300
Fax Number: 314-963-7561

City of Webster Groves