BID #12465
Specialty Trade Contractors 

San Vicente Marina Facilities

Due Date: Ongoing

The new marina and recreational facilities at the San Vicente Reservoir include an 8 restroom comfort station, a concession building, multi-use office and garage building, a potable water system including two potable water booster pump stations and a water storage tank; recreational facilities including shade structures, picnic tables, and park related amenities; boating facilities including a boat ramp, floating docks, buoys, and other boating amenities; construction of site utilities including a potable water system, sanitary sewage system, storm drainage system, electrical and lighting system, and phone, communication and security systems; site grading, paving, and striping for the marina facilities and access roads; landscape and irrigation; groundwater monitoring well, and site habitat restoration and other access and site improvements on the property.

Original BID Post: Go to Post


Baldemar Troche
Phone Number: 858-522-6600
Fax Number: 858-522-6568

San Diego County Water Authority

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