BID #12899
HVAC Supplies and Services 


Due Date: Ongoing

A. Service to be performed under this contract shall be REPLACEMENT OF NINE (9) AIR HANDLERS at EDISON PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. B. The awarded contractor is responsible for providing any and all labor/supplies/equipment needed for a complete turn-key project. All equipment shall be maintained by trained and qualified personnel who are directly employed and supervised by the successful bidder. C. Contractor shall provide at their expense and include in the contract price the cost of all labor, materials, parts, tools and supplies necessary for job completion. All trip charges, mileage, vehicle charges and travel time are to be included in the bid pricing, and shall not be invoiced separately to the School District of Lee County. D. The vendor shall be responsible for the complete performance of all work and for the methods,means and equipment used, and for all materials, tools, apparatus and property of every description used in connection therewith.Variations on the specifications or bid documents shall not be permitted without the knowledge of the School District of Lee County Representative and confirmation by written addendum or change order. E. Vendor shall thoroughly examine and be familiar with all the specifications, the site conditions and make such investigations to enable them to fully understand the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending the execution of the work.Project may be abandoned if deemed impractical by School District of Lee County. F. The contractor shall notify the School District of Lee County immediately upon discovery of any new problematic issues. The School District of Lee County will be the sole determiner if action is required/necessary.If, during the course of work, the contractor encounters unforeseen conditions which impact the work and which could not initially be evaluated, the contractor shall not proceed without written authorization of the School District of Lee County authorized representative.

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Lori Ann Boesch
Email Address: [email protected]

Lee County School District

Vendor Registration: Visit