BID #57907
Building Construction Prep and Demo
Remodel & Upgrade of Front Desk at Rec Center
Due Date: Ongoing
The City of Brighton, by and thorough its Division of Procurement & Contracts, is accepting Bids from qualified firms to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, and material as necessary for the Recreation Center Remodel & Upgrade of Front Desk. This project includes several phases of construction including the relocation and construction of the front desk; with some demolition, re-use of existing materials as indicated in the design materials (to be provided). The annual Recreation Center maintenance shutdown is from 9/12 – 9/25 and all construction work needs to be completed by 9/21/2016, to allow time for the communications and computer re installation and testing prior to reopening. During the time frame of construction the facility is closed to the public. During this time frame City staff and contractors will be working at the site performing various maintenance repairs and will continue to use the areas that surround the front desk.