BID #57864
Security Support 

Paging System and Security Upgrade

Due Date: Ongoing

The City of Brighton by and through its Division of Procurement & Contracts is accepting Bids from qualified firms to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, and material as necessary to, install and upgrade existing paging and card access system at Brighton City Hall. The paging system will need to be a multi zone paging system that can play at least 3 prerecorded messages and be integrated with existing phone system, tornado siren system and card access system. The paging system will utilize existing speakers as well as vendor supplied speakers where necessary. The City of Brighton would like to add additional card readers, push buttons, magnetic releases, and strobes to existing card access system. Along with the paging and card access upgrades the City of Brighton would like to install 2 cameras on each floor that will be integrated into existing camera system

Original BID Post: Go to Post


Sharon Williams
Phone Number: 303-655-2001
Email Address: [email protected]

City of Brighton

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