BID #13489
Water and Sewer
Due Date: Ongoing
The County Mayor, Miami-Dade County (County), pursuant to Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, Sections 2-8.1 and 2-10.4 of the County Code, Implementing Order 3-34, and Administrative Order (A.O.) 3-39, announces that professional architectural and engineering services will be required in relation to the state of Florida's Ocean Outfall Owner's legislation and Miami—Dade County's Wastewater System, for the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD). Proposers are advised that the selected Program and Construction Management Professional Prime Firm under Project Number E13-WASD-01R will be precluded from participating as a Prime Consultant or Subconsultant at any tier for ISD Project No. E13-WASD-11, Owner's Representative for Professional Engineering Services Relating to the State of Florida's Ocean Outfall Legislation and Miami-Dade County's Wastewater System. The scope of services to be provided by the Consultant includes, but is not limited to, the following: A. Validate the capital program for the Wastewater Treatment Plants and Wastewater Collection and Transmission System improvements to cost-effectively fulfill the requirements of the Ocean Outfall Legislation and to meet future system demands forecast to the year 2035; B. Outline, identify and/or develop preliminary policies, procedures, and practices that establish the means and methods to meet the requirements of the Ocean Outfall Legislation Program; C. Identify potential risks that may have an impact on the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program and provide a mitigation plan which includes identifying and recommending mitigation options to address future climate change impacts, such as sea level rise, storm surge, wind, and flooding; consider facility impacts due to sea-level rise and other potential climate change impacts on facilities; D. Advise and provide strategic day-to-day oversight and direction to the Ocean Outfall Legislation Capital Improvement Program; E. Prepare and maintain, together with WASD's staff, a Program Management Plan for use by the Program Team, which also includes various consultants assisting WASD with the implementation of its Capital Improvement Program. This also applies to establishing proper communication protocols, design and process standards; F. Coordinate and assist WASD with Wastewater Facilities Master Planning as required to ensure comprehensive and long-term viability of the Ocean Outfall Legislation Capital Improvements with other concurrent legislations such as the Environmental Protection Agency Consent Decree and South Florida Water Management District's Water Use Permit requirements) and other Master Planning efforts; G. Establish standards and guidelines for cost-estimating. The Consultant shall work with WASD's staff to ensure that all project cost estimates meet the cost estimating standards, including those in planning, preliminary engineering and detailed design. The Consultant shall review cost estimates generated for consistency with the standards and guidelines and to ensure that cost estimates performed at various stages in the design process adequately and appropriately incorporate factors to account for project risk elements; H. Develop and manage the program master schedule and task schedules, including phasing work appropriately to meet Ocean Outfall Legislation requirements and future demand projections, and provide budget and cost oversight of all program elements and resources; I. Develop monthly progress reports that include accomplishments during the most recent reporting period, upcoming activities for the next reporting period, tracking of issues and action items identified, other related information, and contract status. Monthly reports shall be reviewed as part of monthly status meetings with WASD's Program Team. These reports may be used to prepare reports submitted to Florida Department of Environmental Protection as part of the Ocean Outfall Legislation requirements; J. Work with WASD to establish and implement both a physical and an electronic central Ocean Outfall Legislation Program document library. All documents associated with the Ocean Outfall Legislation Program, including reports, meeting agendas and minutes, transmittals, design drawings and specifications, technical memorandums, schedules, correspondence, e-mails etc., shall be managed and organized in the library. The Consultant may be requested to provide assistance to WASD in the development and management of a public website that contains information related to the execution of the Ocean Outfall Legislation Program. The Consultant shall develop templates for documents and reports to ensure consistency throughout the Consent Decree Program; K. Support WASD with water and sewer infrastructure public outreach of the Ocean Outfall Legislation Program which may include responding to inquiries and complaints; L. Participate in update meetings with regulatory agencies and develop required materials for each meeting; M. Support WASD in analyzing and preparing possible recommendations for modifications to the reuse provisions of the Ocean Outfall Legislation as included in the reporting requirements of the Ocean Outfall Legislation; N. Assist WASD in the preparation of all reports that are required by the Ocean Outfall Legislation Program to be submitted to Florida Department of Environmental Protection or other regulatory authority; O. Perform value engineering. This includes establishing when value engineering shall occur, the format and schedule for value engineering efforts, and establishing a standard value engineering report format and templates; P. Provide assistance to WASD, as-needed, with permits, regulatory and environmental review. The Consultant shall review permits and environmental work to ensure consistency with the overall Ocean Outfall Legislation Program; Q. Assist WASD in the review of design documents including constructability reviews, assist WASD and/or design consultant(s) with bid phase services, including but not limited to, drafting specifications, as needed; R. Oversee and support the design and construction administration phases of the capital program as needed and as required by WASD; S. Provide construction managers, construction coordinators, construction engineers, start-up specialists, inspectors, safety officers and administrative personnel for the successful execution of the Ocean Outfall Legislation Program and associated Wastewater Treatment Plants and Wastewater Collection and Transmission System capital program; T. Perform daily inspections, prepare daily logs, detailed review of contractors' updated and revised schedules, prepare recommendations for approval, review schedules of values, contract interpretations and clarifications, process and authorize progress payments including allowance account and change orders, review operation and maintenance manuals, respond to requests for information, and evaluate claims from contractors; U. Aid in the integration of consultant staff with WASD's staff; V. Provide financial and economic review and oversight during the course of the program; W. Evaluate and reconcile scope and other technical aspects and/or conflicts with the Consent Decree requirements; X. Prepare Basis of Design Reports (BODRs) as directed by WASD for specific projects as required by the program; Y. Provide advice to WASD and recommend the best construction delivery method for the various projects identified in the Plan; including alternative delivery methods (e.g. Design-Build, Construction-Management-At-Risk, Progressive Design-Build, Private/Public Partnership, etc.); Z. Assist WASD in achieving LEED Certification as mandated by the County for sustainable development for all of the qualifying projects to be executed under the Program. Experience and Qualifications: The Prime Consultant shall demonstrate the following experience: 1) Shall be an engineering firm experienced in all phases of wastewater engineering, including design, permitting, construction, operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment, collection, transmission and disposal systems. 2) Shall be able to demonstrate successful experience with Programs and Construction Management Services related to the above listed activities, as well as planning, implementing and managing similar programs of a similar size within the last ten (10) years from the date of the solicitation. 3) Must have been a Program Manager on a Wastewater Capital Program with a major utility within the last ten (10) years from the date of the solicitation. 4) Shall be able to demonstrate successful experience in all phases of wastewater engineering related services including, but not limited to: master planning, value engineering, design, permitting, construction management, operation and maintenance for major upgrades of wastewater treatment plants and, wastewater collection and transmission systems. 5) Shall be able to provide at least one (1) example where they provided a comprehensive construction management team for the upgrade of similar wastewater system with a minimum combined capital program of nine hundred million dollars ($900,000,000.00), which could be for more than one (1) project or more than one (1) firm and the upgrade of a wastewater collection and transmission system and reclaimed water systems, including pump stations with a minimum combined capital program of four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000.00), combined between several projects and/or Prime team members. 6) Should demonstrate their successful experience with design and commissioning of wastewater treatment plant upgrades including deep injection wells for effluent disposal of similar scope and complexity within the last ten (10) years from the date of this solicitation. 7) Shall provide a list of members of the proposed Design Team, identifying the overall Design Manager(s), and the team leaders for key design specialties (process, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation) and the specific role each of them will perform. 8) Shall provide descriptions of at least one (1) successfully designed, constructed and operating major new or upgraded wastewater treatment plant in which the Prime Consultant has served as the designer within the past ten (10) years from the date of this solicitation. 9) For projects which the Prime Consultant has served as the design consultant, the Prime Consultant shall provide the name and contact information for a Utility Executive with the Utility they served as the design consultant who can confirm their role. The descriptions shall include the client (i.e., municipality or agency), key project staff, the project name, a summary of the work performed, the contract amount, the schedule (to include start and completion dates), the specific role of the prime firm, the achievements (e.g., projects delivered on schedule, dollars saved, innovative designs implemented, new technology utilized), and a client reference and contact information. The Sub-consultants shall provide the following: 1) A description of at least one (1) program or project that is relevant to this Scope of Work within the past ten (10) years from the date of this solicitation specific to their proposed responsibilities. The descriptions shall include the client (i.e., municipality or agency), key project staff, a summary of the work performed, the contract amount, the schedule (to include start and completion dates), and the specific role of the subconsultant firm, the project's achievements, and client reference as well as contact information.