RFX #13329
Architecture and Engineering Services
Independent Rep Services for the Port of Galveston to Include Expansion of Cruise Terminal No 2
Due Date: Ongoing
Notice of Request for Qualifications: The Board of Trustees of the Galveston Wharves, Galveston, Texas (the Port) is seeking the services of an architect or engineer with expertise in planning, designing and constructing terminal facilities (ideally, port cruise terminals or airport passenger terminals) to serve as the Port's Independent Representative ("IR"). The IR will be the Port's representative for the project to expand Cruise Terminal Number 2, which will be performed for the Port as a design-build project under Chapter 2267 of the Government Code. The IR should have experience with the following services: architectural services, construction drawings, technical specifications, permit applications, cost estimates and bid packages, building project permitting, project design and project management. The Port will select the architect or engineer on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004, Government Code (the Professional Services Procurement Act). An architect or engineer selected by the Port has full responsibility for complying with Chapter 1051 or 1001, Occupations Code, as applicable.