BID #12249
Electrical and Electronic Equipment
HCIT Environment Course for GE Healthcare Biomedical Equipment
Due Date: Ongoing
Justification and Approval
Other Than Full and Open Competition
1. Contracting Activity: Department of Veterans Affairs, VISN 02, Western New York Health Care System Buffalo Medical Center. Upon the basis of the following justification, the use of other than full and open competition for the proposed contractual action is hereby authorized pursuant to the authority of 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(1), and FAR 6.302-1 - Only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The procurement request funding document is 528-13-3-4711-0017.
2. Nature and/or Description of the Action Being Processed: This contracting activity proposes to negotiate sole source with GE Healthcare to provide biomedical equipment training on security essentials for healthcare equipment. Training dates are April 28, 2013 thru May 3, 2013. This acquisition will be conducted using sole source procedures; no other company will satisfy agency requirements. This will be a firm fixed price contract.
3. Description of Supplies/Services Required to Meet the Agency"s Needs: HCIT Environment Course required for TCF Intern as recommended by Central Office. Training has been approved by Education Council, Associate Director and Medical Center Director. Wade Sidley (TCF Intern) is schedule to attend 4/29-5/3/13 Securing the HCIT Environment Course GE Healthcare N16 W224.
Dollar Amount: $4,250.00
4. Statutory Authority Permitting Other than Full and Open Competition:
(X ) (1) Only One Responsible Source and No Other Supplies or Services Will Satisfy
Agency Requirements per FAR 6.302-1;
( ) (2) Unusual and Compelling Urgency per FAR 6.302-2;
( ) (3) Industrial Mobilization, Engineering, Developmental or Research Capability
or Expert Services per FAR 6.302-3;
( ) (4) International Agreement per FAR 6.302-4
( ) (5) Authorized or Required by Statute FAR 6.302-5;
( ) (6) National Security per FAR 6.302-6;
( ) (7) Public Interest per FAR 6.302-7;
5. Demonstration that the Contractor"s Unique Qualifications or Nature of the Acquisition Requires the Use of the Authority Cited Above (applicability of authority):
a. Only One Responsible Source and No Other Supplies or Services Will Satisfy Agency Requirement (FAR 6.302-1) - the services requested are "highly specialized."
This training is essential in order to properly maintain the GE biomedical equipment in a safe and cost effective manner. The proposed contractor, GE Healthcare, is the only responsible source to provide the GE HCIT Environment Course required for TCF Intern as recommended by Central Office.
6. Description of Efforts Made to ensure that offers are solicited from as many potential sources as deemed practicable: No actions were taken as the GE HCIT Environment Course required is only offered by GE Healthcare Education.
7. Determination by the Contracting Officer that the Anticipated Cost to the Government will be Fair and Reasonable: The anticipated price to the Government for GE HCIT Environment Course is $4,250.00 per employee that includes classroom instruction, hands-on labs, programming, and troubleshooting. Price is determined reasonable by the Contracting Officer based on the supported rationale that this is the same price offered to the general public as published at for HCIT Training Registration.
8. Description of the Market Research Conducted and the Results, or a Statement of the Reasons Market Research Was Not Conducted: An internet search was conducted for other businesses that provide the GE HCIT Environment Course, and no other sources were located.
9. Any Other Facts Supporting the Use of Other than Full and Open Competition: This requirement is critical to patient care as it pertains to maintaining biomedical equipment, and no other training exists to provide the comprehensive education that meets VHA"s needs.
10. Listing of Sources that Expressed, in Writing, an Interest in the Acquisition: None sought or received.
11. A Statement of the Actions, if any, the Agency May Take to Remove or Overcome any Barriers to Competition before Making subsequent acquisitions for the supplies or services required: The GE HCIT Environment Course is of a unique nature and completes the intended level of TCF Intern training that VA plans to have the noted biomedical technician complete. At this time there have been no actions taken to overcome the barriers to competition as GE Healthcare Education has been determined to be the only qualified source available.
12. Requirements Certification: I certify that the requirement outlined in this justification is a bonafide need of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and that the supporting data under my cognizance, which are included in the justification, are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
_____________________________ ________________________
Robert M. Shores Date
Supervisory Biomedical Engineer
Biomedical Engineering
Buffalo VA Medical Center
13. Approvals in accordance with FAR 6.304
a. Contracting Officer"s Certification (required): I certify that the foregoing justification is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
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Michelle A. Harsch Date
Contract Specialist
b. Supervisory Team Lead I certify the justification meets requirements for other than full and open competition.
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Rachel M. Petteys Date
Supervisory Team Lead
c. Local QA Review and Approval: I certify the justification meets requirements for other than full and open competition.
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Mary Ellen Haefner Date
QA Procurement Analyst