BID #11064
Other Law Enforcement
Due Date: Ongoing
BULLETIN NUMBER 1 REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 408-SH FIREARMS AND TOOL MARK EXAMINATION AND/OR TRAINING SERVICES INTRODUCTION The County of Los Angeles Sheriff's Department (Department) is seeking qualified companies (Vendors) to enter into Master Agreements with the County of Los Angeles (County) to provide Firearms and Tool Mark Examination and/or Training Services. These services will be provided to the Department primarily at the Firearms Identification Section of the Department's Scientific Services Bureau in Los Angeles. The Vendor(s) determined to be qualified under this solicitation may be required to assist the Department in examining and solving firearm cases and/or tool mark cases and/or may be required to provide training to Department personnel on the techniques and skills necessary to successfully examine firearms and tool mark cases. MINIMUM MANDATORY QUALIFICATIONS Interested and qualified Vendors who can demonstrate their ability to successfully provide the required services outlined in Appendix B, Statement of Work (SOW) of this Request For Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ), are invited to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) provided they meet the following requirements: 1.4.1 - Vendor must have at least ten years of continuous full-time experience in conducting firearms and tool mark examinations at a recognized crime laboratory that provides a full range of firearms and tool mark examination services comparable to that provided by the Department. Vendor's time spent in training will not be considered applicable towards the ten years experience requirement. Vendor must provide references that verify this experience in Appendix D, Required Forms, Exhibit 2, Prospective Contractor References Form. 1.4.2 - Vendor wishing to be considered for the Firearms/Tool Mark Examination Trainer assignment must have a minimum of two years experience in successfully providing instruction to firearms and tool mark examiner trainees in a modular training program such as programs provided by the Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners (AFTE) to qualify for such assignment. The two years instructor experience could be part of the ten years of experience required in firearms and tool mark examinations as stated in Subparagraph 1.4.1. Vendor must provide references that verify this experience in Appendix D, Required Forms, Exhibit 2, Prospective Contractor References Form. Vendor who is not applying for training assignment duty does not need to meet this requirement. . 1.4.3 - Vendor must be a current and active full or distinguished member of the Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners (AFTE) and provide proof of membership and copies of certificates of attendance for AFTE conferences in Subparagraph 2.6.3, Vendor's Qualifications (Section A). 1.4.4 - Vendor must have experience testifying in court as an expert in the fields of firearms and tool mark examination. Vendor must provide summary detail of court experience. 1.4.5 - Vendor must state that they agree to and understand that they must pass a test of technical competency in firearms and tool mark examination that will be issued and administered by the Department's Scientific Services Bureau prior to the award of a Master Agreement. This test of technical competency will be generated by the County Project Manager and will be a simulation of typical comparative analysis casework involving tool marks and expended ammunition components including, but not limited to, fired cartridge cases and fired bullets. The test will be administered at the Department's crime laboratory facility. Although there is no charge for the test, any expenses such as travel expenses incurred for this testing will be the sole responsibility of the Vendor. The Vendor will be allowed a maximum of three days starting from the receipt of the test to complete the test and report his or her written findings to the County Project Manager. If an alternate testing venue (including appropriate test monitoring) acceptable to the County Project Manager can be identified, out-of-state Vendors may, at the discretion of the County Project Manager, be allowed to take the test at the approved alternate venue. This test will only be administered to those Vendors who are determined to be qualified Vendors after completion of the review of the SOQ. If the Vendor fails the competency test, a re-test may be issued at the discretion of the County Project Manager. In the event the Vendor fails to pass the competency test after the second attempt, Vendor will be disqualified. RFSQ INITIAL TIMETABLE The timetable for the release of this RFSQ is as follows: Release of RFSQ - May 27, 2010 Written Questions Due - June 3, 2010 Request for a Solicitation Requirements Review Due by 3:00 p.m. – Pacific Time (PT) - June 11, 2010 Questions and Answers Released - June 11, 2010 SOQ due by 3:00 p.m. – Pacific Time (PT) - June 25, 2010 RFSQ RELEASE The RFSQ will be released and posted on the County's website on May 27, 2010, and will be accessible via the Department's website at (Underscore between "lasd" and "contracts"). If the Vendor wishes to access the RFSQ via the above-referenced Department's website, the Vendor MUST inform the Department's Contracts Unit Analyst at [email protected] of Vendor's name, mailing address, email address, fax number, and telephone number. SOQ SUBMISSION INFORMATION The original SOQ and three numbered copies shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope plainly marked in the upper left-hand corner with the name and address of the Vendor and bear the words: "SOQ FOR FIREARMS AND TOOL MARK EXAMINATION AND/OR TRAINING SERVICES" The SOQ and any related information shall be delivered or mailed to: Rowena Asai Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Contracts Unit 4700 Ramona Boulevard, Room 214 Monterey Park, California 91754 It is the sole responsibility of the submitting Vendor to ensure that its SOQ is received on or before the submission deadline. Submitting Vendors shall bear all risks associated with delays in delivery by any person or entity, including the United States Mail. No facsimile (fax) or electronic mail (e-mail) copies will be accepted. CONTACT WITH COUNTY PERSONNEL Any contact regarding this RFSQ or any matter relating hereto must be in writing and may be mailed, e-mailed, or faxed as follows: Rowena Asai Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Contracts Unit 4700 Ramona Boulevard, Room 214 Monterey Park, California 91754 E-mail address: [email protected] Fax #: (323) 415-1033 Vendors are specifically directed not to contact any other County person or agent for any matter related to this RFSQ. If it is discovered that a Vendor contacted and/or received information from any County person or agent, other than the person specified above regarding this RFSQ, County, in its sole determination, may disqualify the Vendor and their SOQ from further consideration.