RFX #12651
Architecture and Engineering Services
Engineering Services for Various Projects at North Perry Airport (HWO)
Due Date: Ongoing
The Aviation Department seeks a consulting firm to provide professional engineering design, analysis, assessment and construction administration services for the following projects that are FAA eligible: (1) Rehabilitation of Runway 10R-28L (2) Rehabilitation of Taxiway "B" (3) Rehabilitation of either Taxiway "L" or "M" (4) Rehabilitation of South Apron (5) Conduct Assessment of electrical capacity at HWO to determine the need for the installation of a back-up generator for the FAA Tower (6) Evaluation of existing Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) and determination of whether a refurbishment of a replacement is needed. The scope of services also include preparation of biddable construction documents, development of engineer's estimate and probable construction schedule and construction administration. The selected consultant team will provide the services of airport planners, civil, electrical, mechanical and geotechnical engineers and other professionals as needed to complete the work. All work shall be done in accordance with all pertinent FAA Advisory Circulars and BCAD guidelines.