BID #12335
Information and Communications Technology Scientific and Miscellaneous Technical Services
Data & Telephone Wiring
Due Date: Ongoing
SEALED BIDS for the provision of "Data and Telephone Wiring" service for Washington County, Washington, PA 15301 will be received at the Office of the County Controller, 100 West Beau Street, Suite 403, Courthouse Square Office Building, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301, until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 and immediately thereafter will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Purchasing Department Room 402 of the Washington County Courthouse Square Building. Late bids are not accepted. All bids must be submitted as 1 ORIGINAL + 1 COPY according to the specifications and upon a uniform proposal blank. Specifications and proposal blanks may be picked up at the Washington County Purchasing Office, 100 West Beau Street, Suite 402, Washington, PA 15301 or by submitting a written request to this address. Bidders may fax their written request to the Washington County Purchasing Office at 724-250-6555. The above request for proposal may be obtained from the Washington County website at: Vendors receiving bid proposals from web site are responsible for obtaining changes from web site.