RFX #11806
Engineering Services Information and Communications Technology 


Due Date: Ongoing

The Board of County Commissioners, herein referred to as the "County", is seeking statements of qualifications from Engineering Firms to provide CEI services which are required for contract administration, inspection, and materials sampling and testing for the construction of the CR2 Paved Shoulder Project. Engineering firms shall be FDOT prequalified in Work Types 10.1(Roadway CEI). Documentation showing proof of prequalification shall be included with the Statement of Qualifications. It is a basic tenet of the County's contracting program that contracts are procured in a fair, open, and competitive manner. By submitting a Letter of Response, the Consultant certifies that they are in compliance with FDOT Procedure No. 375-030-006, Restriction on Consultant's Eligibility to Compete for Department Contracts. This directive is available on FDOT's Web Site. This project is federally funded with assistance from the Florida Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. By submitting a Letter of Response, the consultant certifies that no principal (which includes officers, directors, or executives) is presently suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation on this transaction by any Federal Department or Agency. Project is for the construction of paved shoulder on CR2 from CR1087 to SR83 in Walton County. RFQ DEADLINE: February 21, 2013, no later than 3:00PM local time and will open immediately thereafter. LATE SUBMITTALS RECEIVED AFTER THE AFOREMENTIONED DEADLINE DATE, EITHER BY MAIL OR OTHERWISE, WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AND WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED. THE TIME OF RECEIPT WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE TIME RECEIVED IN THE PURCHASING AGENT'S OFFICE. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FIRM FOR ASSURING THAT THE RFQ IS RECEIVED IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE BY THE DESIGNATED DATE AND TIME. NO FAXED, ELECTRONIC, OR ORAL RFQ WILL BE ACCEPTED.

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Glyndol Johnson
Phone Number: 850-892-8176
Email Address: [email protected]

Walton County