RFX #13649
Medical and Healthcare Services 

Cancer Prevention Navigation and Coordination Concept Paper

Due Date: Ongoing

Implement and monitor a city-wide colorectal Cancer Prevention Navigation Program, to increase colorectal cancer screening rates in New York City, especially among under served populations. The selected vendor will develop an operationally cost-effective Cancer Prevention Navigation Program to target under served populations. These interventions must address health disparities to high risk communities, patient-access barriers to quality, and the provision of cost-effective standard cancer care. DOHMH estimates that the Program will target 7,500 - 10,000 referrals city-wide. The target population will be individuals age 50 to 75 who are not up to date with their CRC screening. The project will focus on underserved populations receiving healthcare at Federally Qualified Health Centers ("FQHCs") and HHC. It is anticipated that the vendor will hire, train, and manage approximately 10 to 15 cancer prevention Navigators who will be based out of primary care sites that serve a high volume of medically underserved New Yorkers, such as in Community Health Centers, FQHCs and Diagnostic and Treatment Centers. At least 30% of selected sites will be from the Diagnostic and Treatment Centers at the NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation - ‘Gotham Health'. The Navigators would be trained health care workers who would provide culturally sensitive assistance to patients. The Navigators will assist patients in overcoming barriers to CRC screening such as fear, lack of knowledge about the colonoscopy or the preparation, language barriers, and financial constraints. The Navigators would also work with the primary care clinical teams on interventions to improve efficiency, such as generating patient lists to identify unscreened patients, increasing the percent of CRC screenings and referrals documented in the electronic health record, developing or improving data capture protocols, generating patient and provider reminders, tracking outcomes, assisting with the linkages to the community specialists who provide the screenings. Navigators' tasks may also include linking patients to community resources and services, helping patients to schedule appointments, and conducting outreach to unscreened patients. In addition to the work performed by the Navigators, the selected vendor would also conduct evaluations of services (including patient satisfaction surveys), collect relevant project data, submit monthly project reports to NYC DOHMH, and participate in regular project status calls. The selected vendor is also expected to develop a plan for making the Cancer Prevention Navigation Program elements sustainable by the Community Health Centers by supporting systems and cultural change at the practice level.

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