BID #12927
Building Construction Prep and Demo 

Boyer Hall 570 Lab Renovation

Due Date: Ongoing

Pre Bid Meeting Date:2013-09-06 00:00:00

Remodeling of approximately 5,300 square feet of the fifth floor of Boyer Hall, located on the UCLA campus. The renovations shall create various work areas for tissue cultures (rated Biosafety Level 2), microscopy, chemicals and equipment; and offices. The restrooms on the fourth floor (men's) and fifth floor (women's) shall also be upgraded for disabled access. Work shall include but is not limited to: Installation of interior partitions, finishes, laboratory casework, shelving, fume hoods and sinks; installation of laboratory utilities and piping;installation of terminal boxes with reheat coils; ductwork and mechanical system controls;provision of power to support the labs; installation of conduit for communications connectivity and security; reconfiguration of fire sprinkler system and installation of additional fire alarm devices tied to the existing building system.

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Phone Number: 310-825-7015
Email Address: [email protected]
Fax Number: 310-206-4247

University of California Los Angeles

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