BID #12943

Blended Anti-Icing Fluid

Due Date: Ongoing

The City of Rock Island is requesting proposals for the purchase of Blended Anti-Icing Fluid (Geomelt SC 217 or Approved Equal). Anti-icing Fluid Specifications 1.Intended Applications: Pavement anti-icing and pre-wetting salt at the spinner. 2.Blend Mixture: 20% Geomelt, 10% CACL, 70% NACL 3.Typical Properties:Appearance Brown Freeze Point-30 F Dry Solids 32-34% pH 6.0-8.5 Specific Gravity 1.21 -1.28 Water Solubility Complete Wt./Gal.~10.2 lbs/ gal. 4.Price to include delivery. 5.Products to be delivered in 4,500 gallon(approx.)shipments. 6.Estimated purchase: 10,000 to 20,000 gallons 7.First shipment guaranteed by December 6, 2013.Ten day maximum lead time on subsequent shipments. 8.Approved equal products will be considered.

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Aleisha Patchin
Phone Number: 30973220
Email Address: [email protected]

City of Rock Island