BID #11693
Building Construction 

Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Plan

Due Date: Ongoing

CITY OF WAUWATOSA PURCHASING DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Plan PROPOSALS REQUESTED: Formal proposals and statements will be received until 2:00 P.M. Thursday, October 4, 2012, by the Purchasing Department, located at 7725 West North Avenue, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, and will be forwarded to the City's Development Department for evaluation. The City is requesting proposals from qualified consulting firms to prepare a detailed Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Plan which is compatible with goals and objectives set forth in the current City of Wauwatosa Comprehensive Plan and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and other relevant plans and reports deemed appropriate by the City. The Plan will be used as the definitive policy document and conceptual plan for the development of safe, functional, convenient, and attractive bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout the City of Wauwatosa, and serve as a community resource for planning purposes, as more fully described in the City's Request for Proposal dated September 4, 2012. NOTE: One (1) unbound original, five (5) copies and one (1) PDF copy on CD/DVD of proposal must be submitted Copies of this request for proposal may be requested from the Purchasing Department Office 7725 W. North Avenue, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. All requests will be fulfilled via email. The phone number for the Purchasing Department is (414) 479-8958. All proposal prices shall be firm for the life of the contract subject to acceptance of proposals within sixty (60) days from the date of submittal. Written prices to govern. Collusion between firms is cause for rejection of all the involved proposals. The City of Wauwatosa reserves exclusively to its self, the right to reject any, or all proposals, or to accept the proposal deemed most advantageous to the City and to waive any or all technicalities or informalities in submitted proposals. Questions concerning this proposal request can be directed to Ms. Paulette Enders, Development Director at (414) 479-3531. September 4 2012 Laurel Anne Schleimer Wauwatosa,

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Purchasing Department
Phone Number: 414-479-8958

City of Wauwatosa