BID #347
Medical and Healthcare Services
Due Date: Ongoing
It is the primary mission of the Department of Coroner (Department) to inquire into and determine the cause, manner and circumstances of all unnatural, suspicious, unusual, violent, sudden and unattended deaths. The cause of death is determined by investigation, post mortem examination and laboratory testing. In appropriate cases the Department utilizes neuropathology services in determination of the cause of death. In order to fulfill its primary mission, the Department is releasing this Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) seeking qualified Neuropathologists who are interested in offering as-needed neuropathology services. Neuropathologists that are determined to be qualified by the Department will form a pool of eligible Contractors that may perform on an as-needed basis neuropathology services for the Department. The services may include, but are not limited to: „« Gross brain examination „« Gross and micro brain examination Prospective Contractors must meet the following minimum qualifications: „« Must have United States citizenship or permanent resident status „« Must have a valid California Physicians and Surgeons license „« Must be certified by the American Board of Pathology in Anatomic Pathology and Neuropathology (note: Physicians possessing certifications in clinical Pathology and Forensic Pathology in addition to Anatomic and Neuropathology are eligible).