BID #13177
Architecture and Engineering Services
A/E Design CLC Expansion
Due Date: Ongoing
The Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC), 1201 Broad Rock Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia, 23249 is seeking a qualified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small business (SDVOSB) A/E firm to provide Programming, Schematics, Design Development, Construction Documents, Technical Specifications, Construction Period Services, Site Visits, Cost Estimates, As-Built Documentation, and all other design services required for project no. 652-312, AE Expand Community Living Center. This procurement is restricted to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) firms. This requirement is being procured in accordance with the Brooks Act as implemented in FAR Subpart 36.6. Applicable NAICS code is 541310 and small business size standard of $7 Million. This is a 100% Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Set Aside. Potential contractors must be registered in SAM ( and visible/certified in Vet Biz ( at time of submission of their qualifications in order to be considered for an award. As a prospective offeror or bidder for this Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) set aside, you are verifying your company meets the status requirements of a SDVOSB concern as established by 38 CFR Part 74. NOTE - Offerors are referred to VAAR Clause 852.219-10(c)(1): "Services (except construction) at least 50 percent of personnel for contract performance will be spent for employees of the concern or employees of other eligible service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns". In order to assure compliance with this clause, all firms submitting a SF 330 for this Sources Sought Notice are required to indicate what percentage of the cost of contract performance will be expended by the concerns employees and in which discipline(s) and percentage of cost of contract performance to be expended (and in what disciplines) by any other subcontracted or otherwise used small or large business entity(s). Any subcontracted or otherwise business entity(s) used must be identified by name, office location and size/type of business (i.e. SDVOSB, VOSB, 8(a), large, etc).
The required scope of services is to provide architectural and engineering design services required for the renovation and expansion of the existing Community Living Center at the Richmond VAMC. The project area will consist of a 20,000 square foot addition and a 3,500 square foot renovation of the existing adjacent space. Design shall address deficiencies as identified in the current VA Planning Guidelines and projected workload statistics. This will be a complete upgrade of the area involved and will require the involvement of civil, structural, architectural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing design disciplines. A E shall also address remediation of existing asbestos containing material in the area of construction. The completed facility will provide private patient rooms with individual bathing facilities, activity rooms, group therapy rooms and family meeting spaces to implement and enhance Cultural Transformation Concepts. The renovation of the existing CLC will upgrade the existing patient rooms to meet current design standards and correct deficiencies identified in the current VA Planning Guidelines, Physical Security Requirements, and projected workload statistics. Design completion timeframe is estimated to be 295 days after receipt of the Notice to proceed.
Qualifications (SF330) submitted by each firm will be reviewed and evaluated based on the following criteria (listed in no particular order of importance) as required by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 36.602-1 and VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) Part 836-602-1:
1) Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of required services;
(2) Specialized experience and technical competence in the type of work required, including, where appropriate, experience in energy conservation, pollution prevention, waste reduction, and the use of recovered materials;
(3) Capacity to accomplish the work in the required time;
(4) Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules;
(5) Location in the general geographical area of the project and knowledge of the locality of the project; provided, that application of this criterion leaves an appropriate number of qualified firms, given the nature and size of the project; and
(6) Acceptability under the other appropriate evaluation criteria listed in the attachment: "Evaluation Criteria for AE Services Contract"
Qualified SDVOSB firms are required to submit two (2) hard copies of the SF 330s (which can be downloaded from and Supplemental Information (see Attachment 1), and one (1) CD which contains digital copies of the SF 330s and Supplemental Information. All packages shall be submitted no later than 3:30 PM, EST on January 24, 2014. All submittals must be sent to the attention of Mark S. Harville (90C/Contracting), Building 507, VA Medical Center, 1201 Broad Rock Boulevard , Richmond, Virginia 23249. . The submission must include an insert detailing the following information: (1) Dun & Bradstreet Number; (2) Tax ID Number; (3) The e-mail address and phone number of the Primary Point of Contact and; (4) A copy of the firms VetBiz Registry. The Contracting Officer is not responsible for not receiving submissions due to the offeror misaddressing the package or illegibility of the information. NOTE: Any request for assistance with submission or other procedural matters shall be submitted via email only ([email protected]), telephone inquires will not be honored.
SF 330 Supplemental Information
Evaluation Criteria for AE Services Contract
In addition to the submission of the SF 330, firms are required to provide the following supplemental information as part of total submission package. Submitting firms are to provide two (2) bound hard copies with tabs and one (1) CD which contain the SF 330s and the following documents.
1. Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of required services.
a) Submission requirements:
o Submit personal resumes that best demonstrate the firm"s professional qualifications, including specific licenses and registrations relevant to the project requirements.
o Complete and submit a summary disclosure for each discipline, principal, project manager, and other support personnel, for up to 10 employees covering disciplines offered, that will handle work for this project. Each resume package may not be longer than two (2) pages in length.
b) Basis of Evaluation:
o Evaluation of professional qualifications will include but is not limited to the subjective assessment of the firm"s individual resumes as required in the sources sought.
o Firms unable to demonstrate required qualifications necessary to perform designs may be considered non-responsive. Failure to provide requested data may negatively impact a firm"s rating.
o Higher ratings for this criterion may be given when the firm"s specific personnel demonstrate excellent or very good credentials, above and beyond those usually expected.
2. Specialized Experience and Technical Competence in the type of work required which includes: healthcare design experience; civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing design for medical facilities; LEED and Sustainable Design experience; familiarity with ADA guidelines and NFPA 101 Life Safety code regulations; Value Engineering & Life Cycle Cost Analysis.
Specialized experience pertains to the types and volume of work previously or currently being performed by a firm that is comparable to the types of work covered by this requirement.
a) Submission requirements:
o Submit up to three (3) relevant projects, accomplished within the past five (5) years that best demonstrate your relevant experience to the sources sought requirements. Firm is at risk of receiving a lower rating if fewer than three (3) relevant projects are submitted.
o Complete and submit a data summary sheet for each project. Each project data package may not be longer than two (2) pages in length and may include verbiage, graphics and photos.
o Projects may include Federal, State, or local Government, as well as private industry projects. Firms are responsible for providing project description and applicable experience in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of project relevancy.
b) Basis of Evaluation:
o Evaluation of specialized experience will include but is not limited to the subjective assessment of the firm"s resume of the type of work required in the sources sought.
o Firms unable to demonstrate proven competence to perform this type of project may be considered non-responsive. Failure to provide requested data may negatively impact a firm"s rating.
o Higher ratings for this may be given when a proposal demonstrates project examples of excellent or very good examples of projects relevant to the sources sought.
3. Capacity to complete the project design in 295 calendar days.
Identify the firm"s past and present workload, and convey the understanding of being able to handle all work concurrently and within prescribed deadlines/constraints.
a) Submission Requirements
o Provide a narrative, (maximum of one 8 ½" x 11" page) that discusses the firm"s approach to accomplishing multiple projects with emphasis on meeting prescribed deadlines.
b) Basis of Evaluation:
o Evaluation of this factor will be a subjective assessment of the firm"s ability to clearly demonstrate an understanding of project goals and requirements set for the completion of this project and any additional work within prescribed deadlines.
4. Past performance on design service contracts similar in size and scope to the advertised project for government and non-government clients.
Past performance relates to how well a firm has performed on substantially completed projects, within the past five years.
a) Definitions:
o Past performance is a measure of the degree to which a firm satisfied its customers in the past and complied with applicable laws and regulations.
o Government agencies are defined as local, state, and federal entities. Higher ratings may be given for work performed on VA Medical Center campuses.
o Private industry is defined as non-governmental clients.
o The term "substantially complete" shall mean a fully designed project with construction of the facility/project more than 80% complete.
b) The sources sought will require the following:
o Firms shall have customers complete Past Performance Questionnaires (format to be left up to the firm submitting the SF 330) and submit directly to the Government.
o Past Performance Questionnaires shall include specifics for each project submitted, but not be limited to, the following information:
o Project description, Contract amount, Dates, and Client information;
o Providing a dialogue and a resulting rating for the areas of Quality, Professionalism, Cooperativeness, Problems, Adherence to schedule, Cost control, and Customer satisfaction, and
o Answer the question - "Would you award this firm another contract?"
o Firms shall have previous clients submit design and construction projects Past Performance Questionnaires that are the same as the projects included in its proposal for Relevant Experience. Ensure correct phone numbers and email addresses are provided for the client point of contact. Failure to provide requested data or to provide an accessible point of contact may negatively impact a firm"s rating. NOTE: Past Performance Questionnaires that were completed for previous submissions can be re-used so long as they reference the projects that have been submitted in the firms" proposal for Relevant Experience.
o Completed Past Performance Questionnaires are to be emailed or faxed directly to the Government Contracting Officer. In order for the client evaluation to be considered, the Past Performance Questionnaires must be received no later than the due date/time of the SF 330 packages.
o The design firm shall have a minimum of three (3) past performance questionnaires submitted by their clients.
o Firm to submit Past Performance Questionnaire to clients that:
o Are knowledgeable of the firm"s past performance.
o Are willing to be interviewed by the Government using the past performance questionnaire.
o Firms are encouraged to describe problems encountered on projects submitted for past performance and describe the corrective action taken to resolve the issue(s).
c) Submission requirements:
o Submit up to three (3) relevant projects design complete or substantially construction complete within the past five (5) years and best demonstrates your relevant experience to the sources sought requirements. Firm is at risk of receiving a lower rating if fewer than three (3) relevant projects are submitted.
o Questionnaires. Firm is at risk of receiving a lower rating if fewer than three (3) Past Performance Questionnaires are received.
d) Basis of Evaluation:
o Failure to provide requested data or to provide an accessible point of contact (POC) may negatively impact a firm"s rating.
o The evaluation of past performance will include but is not limited to the assessment of the firm"s commitment to customer satisfaction, timely delivery of quality work, the firm"s record of conforming to specifications, successful implementation of quality control procedures; adherence to schedules; and history of reasonable and cooperative behavior.
o Firms unable to demonstrate proven competence to perform projects similar to the requirements of this sources sought may be considered ineligible for award.
o Higher ratings for this may be given when a proposal demonstrates excellent or very good ratings for past performance and customer satisfaction on projects relevant to the sources sought.
o Evaluating past performance may include information provided by the firm, inquiries with previous customers, Government databases (Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS), Architect-Engineer Contract Administration Support System (ACASS)), and any other publicly available sources.
o While the Government may elect to consider data obtained from other sources, the burden of providing detailed, current, accurate and complete past performance, experience, and safety information rests with the firm.
5. Location of working office(s) of the SDVOSB prime firm and location of the working office(s) of consultants on the proposed design team, with respect to the general geographical area of the VA Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia.
a) Definitions:
o Knowledge of the locality is defined as familiarity of applicable codes and regulations in place for the project.
b) Submission requirements:
o Provide a narrative, (maximum of one 8 ½" x 11" page) that discusses the firm"s location.
c) Basis of Evaluation:
o Firms that cannot be on site at the VA Medical Center in Richmond, VA within a two hour response time will be given a lower rating than those firms that can.
o Firms that can meet the two hour response time from Richmond, VA will be given the minimum acceptable rating.
o Firms that can be on site at the VA Medical Center in Richmond, VA within 90 minutes will be given a higher rating.
Note : "Response time" is defined as a physical presence at the Richmond VA Medical Center via automobile (not corporate or commercial aircraft, nor Amtrak). And it refers to any member of the project team.
6. Design Quality Control
Identify the roles and responsibilities of the major personnel of the firm and depict the understanding and implementation of Quality Control procedures for this project.
a) Submission Requirements:
o Provide a narrative, (maximum of two 8 ½" x 11" pages) that discusses the firm"s approach to this project with emphasis on the envisioned role of the design team with regard to Quality Control.
b) Basis of Evaluation:
o A subjective determination of the firm"s statement of knowledge of Quality Control and how it will implement Quality Control procedures relative to the requirements of this solicitation.
o Higher ratings may be given for this factor when information provided exceeds the minimum requirements.
7. Project Management Approach and Method
Identify the roles and responsibilities of the major personnel of the firm and depict the lines of communications envisioned for the design tasks between the firm and with the Government.
a) Submission Requirements:
o Provide an organizational chart (no larger than 11" x 17") depicting the relationships between the firm and all partners and/or subcontractors/consultants to be associated with this solicitation and identifying each of the firms key positions/personnel and their role in managing work for this project.
o Provide a narrative, (maximum of one 8 ½" x 11" page) that discusses the firm"s Program management approach to this project.
b) Basis of Evaluation:
o Evaluation of this factor will be a subjective assessment of the firm"s ability to clearly demonstrate an understanding of the projects goals and requirements and set forth a realistic approach for the design of the project.
o Higher ratings may be given for this factor when information provided exceeds the minimum requirements.
8. Proposed Design Team"s record of successful experience working together.
a) Submission Requirements:
o Provide a narrative (maximum of one 8 ½" x 11" page) that addresses any partnering, teaming, or subcontracting relationships your firm has and how long members within your firm have worked with one another
b) Basis of Evaluation:
o Evaluation of this factor will be a subjective assessment of the firms relationships and how well the firm works as a team within their organization and with other partners, teams, and subcontractors.
o Higher ratings will be given to firms that clearly demonstrate organizational competence and cooperation with other teams, partners, and Government and industry personnel (customers), and that can show the personnel assigned to this project to have successfully performed together as a team on past projects.
o A lower rating will be given to firms that cannot demonstrate organizational competence and cooperation with other teams, partners, and Government and industry personnel (customers), and that are unable to show the personnel assigned to this project as successfully performing together as a team on past projects.
9. Record of significant claims against the firm resulting from performance issues, such as design errors, deficiencies and/or omissions in services or deliverables.
a) Submission Requirements:
o Provide a narrative (maximum of one 8 ½" x 11" page) that addresses any claims, disputes, lines or judgments against your firm for instances where there have been design errors, deficiencies and/or omissions AND the steps your firm took to resolve the issues and the ultimate outcome.
o Provide a statement if item 8 above is not applicable to your firm.
b) Basis of Evaluation:
o Evaluation of this factor will be an objective assessment of the firm"s ability to provide clear, concise, accurate design drawings and specifications free from design errors, deficiencies and/or omissions AND a subjective assessment of how well the firm managed situations when these issues were encountered.
o Higher ratings will be given to firms that have not had any of the issues mentioned above; however, firms with no performance history will be scored lower than those firms with significant performance history and no performance issues.
o A lower rating will be given to firms that have experienced issues that resulted from design errors, deficiencies, and/or omissions, but resolved the matter to the satisfaction of the Government and/or customer.
o Firms that were unable to amiably resolve issues that arose from design errors, deficiencies and/or omissions will not be considered eligible for competition.
After the evaluation of SF330 submissions in accordance with the evaluation criteria, at least three of the most highly qualified firms will be chosen for interviews to present their approach to the design to arrive at selection of the number one firm for negotiations. The contract is anticipated to be awarded in May 2013. The Government will not pay nor reimburse any costs associated with responding to this request. The Government is under no obligation to award a contract as a result of this announcement.