BID #58344
Road and Drainage Services
50 N Main Flooding Mitigation and Chase Drain Replacement
Due Date: Ongoing
The City of Brighton by and through its Division of Procurement & Contracts is accepting Bids from qualified firms to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, and material as necessary for the 50 N Main Flooding Mitigation and Chase Drain Replacement as stated in the Technical Specifications of this Invitation to Bid. Trench Drains - The City installed a trench drain system to drain an alley in downtown. The trench drains were installed approximately 20 years ago. The trench drain is adjacent to the foundation of buildings on either side of the alley. Over the years, water has begun to infiltrate the basements of the buildings due to the proximity to the foundation. Chase Drains - There are seven old and corroded chase drains that need to be replaced for safety and aesthetic reasons. The chase drains carry water through parking "bump outs" in the downtown area.