BID #57750
Road and Drainage Services 

2015 Sewer Line Rehab

Due Date: Ongoing

The City of Brighton by and thorough its Procurement & Contracts Supervisor is accepting Bids from qualified firms to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, and material as necessary to make repairs in various locations to the City of Brighton's sanitary sewer system, as stated in the Technical Specification. A study was completed in June 2004 by Site Engineering Services Co., LLC, to determine the extent of damage to the sanitary sewer system. This project is a continuation of prioritized repairs, which have been modified and updated by the Brighton Utilities Department. Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, tools, supplies, equipment, plant, transportation, services, and all other things necessary for the completion of the contractual work, follow applicable erosion and sediment control regulations and requirements, and perform the work in accordance with the requirements and intent of the Contract Documents.

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Sharon Williams
Phone Number: 303-655-2001
Email Address: [email protected]

City of Brighton

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