BID #11039
Janitorial Services 

2013 Janitorial Services Contract

Due Date: Ongoing

Contract shall include providing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, and supervision necessary to perform: All Janitorial Services listed within the Building Frequencies, Standards &Specifications and Bid Schedule found in this contract. The contractor needs to be aware that the separate bid items will be awarded in a manner most advantageous to the City of Valdez. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on August 30, 2012 at 10:00 am at the Capital Facilities office located at the airport (address below). Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00 pm local time on September 20, 2012, at the following location inside the Valdez Pioneer Field Airport:

Original BID Post: Go to Post


Sheri Pierce
Phone Number: 908-000-0000
Email Address: [email protected]

City of Valdez