RFX #58617
Road and Drainage Services 

CIP 2273 Sidewalk Repairs

Due Date: Ongoing

The City of Grover Beach is requesting quotes from qualified Contractors to remove and replace sidewalk panels throughout the City. The full project description is included in the notice attached below.QUOTES WILL BE CONSIDERED IF RECEIVED BY 12:00 P.M. ON THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2019. City of Grover Beach 154 S. 8th Street, Grover Beach, CA 93433 Attn: Erin Wiggin Phone: (805) 473-4530 "Please see bid link for more information" http://www.grover.org/bids.aspx?bidID=91

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Donna L. McMahon
Phone Number: 80547345
Fax Number: 80548996

City of Grover Beach