BID #58392
Vehicle Supply and Services 

2019 Bucket Truck Bid

Due Date: Ongoing

The work consists of one contract for the furnishing of the services of a bucket truck with 75' arm, with qualified operator and spotter, for use by the Town in the trimming and removal of street trees. The foregoing is a general outline of work only and shall not be construed as a complete description of the work to be performed under the contract. Specifications are available for inspection at the above location and may be obtained there. Bids must be made in writing on the forms furnished. The Town of Brighton is exempt under New York State Tax law, and therefore, no sales tax on the cost of materials incorporated into the project shall be included in the bid. All prices bid shall be good for a period of sixty (60) days after opening. The Town of Brighton reserves the right to consider bids for sixty (60) days after their receipt before awarding any contract. The Town of Brighton further reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to accept any Proposal or individual item or items, which it may deem to be the most favorable to its best interests. A noncollusive bidding certificate shall be included with each bid. "Please see bid link for more information"

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Original BID Documents: Go to Document


Daniel Aman
Phone Number: 585-784-5240
Email Address: [email protected]

Town of Brighton