BID #58353
Road and Drainage Services
City of Tomball Sidewalks FY 2017-2018
Due Date: Ongoing
The City of Tomball, Harris County, Texas is accepting sealed bids for "City of Tomball Sidewalks FY 2017-2018". The bid documents may be obtained for no charge by downloading them at (account setup required) or at the office of Gunda Corporation (32731 Egypt Lane, Magnolia, TX 77354) with a $75.00 non-refundable charge for each complete set of documents obtained. Make checks payable to Gunda Corporation. Sealed bids should be addressed to the Project Coordinator, City of Tomball, 501 James Street, Tomball, Texas 77375 and shall be labeled "E&P CIP No. 2018-10004; Project Bid Number 2018-18 – City of Tomball Sidewalks FY 2017-2018", "DO NOT OPEN". Bids shall be submitted no later than 2:30 PM CST on Thursday, September 20, 2018, at which time all bids shall be opened and read aloud. A pre-bid conference will be held on Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 10:00 AM CST at the City of Tomball, Public Works Administration Building Training Room, 501 James Street, Tomball, Texas 77375, to familiarize bidders with the goals for this project. The pre-bid conference is not mandatory. "Please see bid link for more information"