BID #57848
Architecture and Engineering Services
Design/Build Services for KM Lakes Cell 1 Wet Well Deepening
Due Date: Ongoing
The City of Brighton, Colorado by and through its Procurement & Contracts Division is soliciting written sealed proposals from qualified Design/Build Teams to perform the Design/Build Services for Ken Mitchell Cell 1 Wet Well Deepening. The current wet well used for pumping water from Ken Mitchell Cell 1 is located at an elevation of 4948 feet while the lowest elevation of Cell 1 is currently 4941 feet. This elevation difference limits the City from pumping all of the available water from Cell 1. To gain access to the remaining water, the City is looking for qualified design-build teams to design and construct a new wet well system that is capable of pumping all the water from Cell 1. The design-build team shall provide all survey, environmental and geotechnical evaluation, civil design and construction necessary to complete a seamless, cost-effective, and timely project. The design-build team shall procure, or assist in procurement of, all applicable permits including, but not limited to, floodplain permits, environmental permits and assessments, 404 permits, and erosion and sediment control permits.