BID #57794
Machinery and Mechanical Equipment 

Ken Mitchell Cell 1 Piping Addition

Due Date: Ongoing

The City of Brighton by and thorough its Division of Procurement and Contracts is accepting Bids from qualified firms to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, and material as necessary for the Ken Mitchell Cell 1 Piping Addition. Located on the West side of Brighton, the Utilities Department owns three reservoirs that are used to store augmentation water. At the main reservoir (Ken Mitchell Cell 1) there is an existing pump station that includes two wet wells and one metering building. The well on the lake side (augments water from the reservoir to the river) houses two 5,000 gpm (gallons per minute) pumps. The well on the river side (pumps from the river to fill the reservoir) houses three (two 5,000 gpm and one 12,000 gpm) pumps. The two 5,000 gpm pumps discharge through two 12 inch raw water lines that run separately into the metering building. The 12,000 gpm pump discharges through the building with a 20 inch raw water line. All three pumps are then separately metered, and then are piped together in a 34 inch raw water line that runs out of the building and into the reservoir. This project will be for the construction of adding two additional 24 inch HDPE DR 11 raw water lines so that all three river pumps discharge into the reservoir separately. The construction will be per the design by Drexel Barrell.

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Sharon Williams
Phone Number: 303-655-2001
Email Address: [email protected]

City of Brighton

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