BID #57756
Other Roads and Drainage Services
2015 Crack Seal/Chip Seal/Slurry Seal/Concrete Replace
Due Date: Ongoing
The City of Brighton by and thorough its Procurement & Contracts Division is accepting Bids from qualified firms to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, and material as necessary for the 2015 Crack Seal ~ Chip Seal ~ Slurry Seal ~ Concrete Replacement Project. The project consists of 60 tons of crack sealant, 20 tons of Mastic crack sealant (Deery or approved equal), 130,000 square yards of Type II slurry seal, 50,000 square yards of chip seal, and 1,500 square yards of 7" patching. All chip seal and slurry seal streets will be patched and crack sealed prior to placement of seals.