BID #402
Fuel and Lubes 


Due Date: Ongoing

Sealed bids for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Supply Services will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, Walton County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County" at: Central Purchasing 176 Montgomery Circle DeFuniak Springs, Fl 32435 Services to be bid are described as follows: Walton County desires to enter into a nonexclusive agreement with a qualified vendor who can supply unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel in bulk quantities. Fuel shall be delivered in tank wagon or bulk transport delivery to the various fuel tanks located throughout the County. Average monthly usage for the first half of 2012 is approximately 27,000 gallons of diesel and 18,000 gallons of unleaded fuel. These usage figures are guidelines only. Vendors interested in submitting a bid shall submit to address listed above, no later than August 29, 2012, 3:00PM local time. Bids received after that date and time shall not be accepted.

Original BID Post: Go to Post

Original BID Documents: Go to Document


Glyndol Johnson
Phone Number: 850-892-8176
Email Address: [email protected]

Walton County