BID #13482
Other Roads and Drainage Services 

2014 South Boulder Creek Diversion Rehabilitation Project

Due Date: Ongoing

Demolition of the existing City of Lafayette South Boulder Creek Diversion Structure, construction of a new diversion structure consisting of: cast in place reinforced concrete walls and slabs, grouted boulders, a coanda intake screen, a secondary coarse rack intake, installation of an Obermeyer overshot sluice gate, removal and replacement of approximately 115 lf of 16" ductile iron pipe - including valves and fittings, installation of approximately 25 feet of 12" ductile iron pipe and fittings, installation of approximately 1,130 lf of CIPP and connections to the existing system.

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Kathy Benjamin
Phone Number: 303-665-5588
Email Address: [email protected]
Fax Number: 303-665-2153

City of Lafayette