BID #13367
Construction Management Services
Millennium, Raise & Realign, Fort Snelling Natl Cem
Due Date: Ongoing
Pre Solicitation Notice for Raise and Realignment/Reset/Backfill/Turfgrass Renovation
Services for Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis, MN
RFP VA786-14-R-0119 - The Contractor shall furnish all personnel, supervision, professional expertise, vehicles, tools, materials, services, equipment and quality control necessary to raise, lower, realign, reset, and backfill upright headstones with turfgrass removal and restoration at the Cemetery in a manner that will meet or exceed the requirements to present a clean, neat, professional, and aesthetic headstone appearance throughout the Cemetery in accordance with Contract Specifications and the Performance Work Requirement Summary (PWRS). Services include, but are not limited to work consisting of extracting, resetting, aligning, backfilling, and compacting upright headstones that are already in place which have shifted out of vertical and/or horizontal alignment and plumb, as well as inventorying and assuring accurate placement on each gravesite, preservation of existing cemetery features (lawns, paving, roads, stones, and markers), restoration of cemetery features disturbed or removed as a result of performing new work, as well as, repairing, replacing, or reinstalling any damaged cemetery property, such that at the end of the day the condition is as good as before commencement of work.
Project must be completed within 24 months after receipt of contract. This acquisition is for a 100% Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Set-Aside. North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Code 812220 is applicable. Please reference Solicitation Number RFP VA786-14-R-0119 on remittances. An electronic solicitation will be available for download from on or about March 19, 2014. Responses to the solicitation are due by 2:00 p.m., April 10, 2014. Offerors are advised that they are responsible for obtaining amendments to the solicitation which is available at Fed Biz Opps.