BID #13168
Electrical Services 

Dorset Underground Conduit Installation

Due Date: Ongoing

All work for the project shall be constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by the Electric Division of the City of Mount Dora. The proposed Bid will be awarded and constructed, if award is made, under one Contract. Bids shall be submitted for furnishing and installing all materials and equipment, including labor, for installing primary conduits using the directional bore method for the Dorset subdivision, located in the City of Mount Dora. The work includes directional boring and installing conduit between City utility equipment, containing and cleaning up drilling mud, attaching the conduits to 90° elbows, blowing out installed conduits, installing pull strings, and replacing sod where necessary.

Original BID Post: Go to Post


Gwen Keough-Johns
Phone Number: 352-735-7176
Fax Number: 352-735-4789

City of Mount Dora

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