RFX #12879
Building Construction Building Construction Prep and Demo 

Recreation Trail Construction at Briar Patch Trail Park Phase 1

Due Date: Ongoing

The City of Eatonton, Georgia requests proposals from qualified companies to provide the engineering, permitting, and construction of a recreational multi-use hiking/biking trail facility in the Briar Patch Trail Park. The City owns approximately 15 acres of property that it wishes to develop into a hiking and biking trail park known as the Briar Patch Trail. The property is partially wooded and has been previously logged. The contractor will be expected to provide a complete layout and design of the trail project. There is to be a short loop and a long loop inside the park. The contractor will be expected to complete AT LEAST the short loop by October 15, 2013, so time is of the essence.

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Betty Waldroup
Phone Number: 706-485-7570

City of Eatonton