RFX #12499
Websites and Networks Design
Due Date: Ongoing
The Department of General Services, STREAM, has issued this RFI as a request to obtain information about how to contract for Owner's Representative Services that assist the State in the management of all capital projects, exclusive of higher education. The responses to this RFI will assist the department in tailoring a successful Capital Projects Management Program that is complimentary to other efforts and goals in other State and Government entities and that are consistent with industry standards and best practices. Responding to this RFI will not disallow participating insubsequent projects related to this initiative. BACKGROUND: STREAM has the responsibility for management and implementation of capital projects with an estimated ongoing value of approximately one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000). At any given time, STREAM has 300-350 (ongoing) capital projects of various size, scope, and complexity. Most capital projects range in dollars from one million to five million ($1,000,000-$5,000,000). The State has limited staff and capacity to manage the projects to the level of detail that is required. The State is seeking a company, or companies, to work in conjunction with to oversee the successful completion of capital projects. The management company is needed to provide Capital Project Level and Master Contracting Services.