BID #12468
Other Building Supplies and Services 

Civic Center Stairway Trail & Picnic Shelter

Due Date: Ongoing

Pre Bid Meeting Date:2013-06-06 00:00:00

The Scope of Work of the Base Bid of this Contract shall include all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, supervision and facilities necessary to: The new construction of +866 feet of trail, rebuilding of +238 feet of existing trail and modification of the existing pavilion on top of the hill. The deadline for completion of this project will be determined by which Bid Schedule the City chooses to award. Please reference the Bid schedule for start and completion dates.

Original BID Post: Go to Post

Original BID Documents: Go to Document


Sheri Pierce
Phone Number: 908-000-0000
Email Address: [email protected]

City of Valdez