RFX #12359
Building Construction Prep and Demo Specialty Trade Contractors 

4066 Russell

Due Date: Ongoing

Redevelopment Goals The redevelopment goals for the RFP include: A. Redevelop the building with a viable commercial use. The building needs to be redeveloped as a positive contributor to the neighborhood, and the City. The City will consider a wide range of viable commercial uses that accomplish this. For years this building has been either misused or vacant and has been a blight on the neighborhood. B. Contribute to the commercial activity in the Shaw Neighborhood. The Site is located in a largely residential area that includes small clusters of neighborhood-oriented retail and services. Redevelopment of the Site should support commercial activity by contributing to market demand and/or by providing complementary goods and services and/or employment opportunities for the area.

Original RFX Post: Go to Post

Original RFX Documents: Go to Document

Phone Number: 314-622-4145

City of St. Louis