BID #12351
Building Construction Building Construction Prep and Demo
Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project
Due Date: Ongoing
The project consists of the replacement of approximately 985 LF of 6" sanitary sewer pipe with 8" PVC pipe, 6 precast concrete manholes, 14 sanitary sewer laterals with pipe and appurtenances. Also included is the replacement of 3 storm inlets, and approximately 55 LF of 15" storm sewer pipe. Also included is ADA compliant curb ramps with detectable warning surfaces, 4" concrete sidewalk, driveway apron replacement, and approximately 4,090 SY of asphalt milling and resurfacing. Alternate A includes the replacement of approximately 360 LF of straight curb, and 1305 LF of curb/gutter. Alternate B includes the replacement of approximately 1295 LF of straight curb and 80 LF of curb/gutter.