RFX #12212
Building Construction Building Construction Prep and Demo
Professional Services for Continuing Contract for Utilities Projects
Due Date: Ongoing
The City of Casselberry requests Proposals from interested and qualified Proposers to provide is seeking qualified consulting firms for general utilities design and construction inspection work.The work is not yet specified, however, expected tasks could include but are not limited to major and minor design of lift stations and all components, potable water, reclaimed water and waste water pressure pipe networks, gravity sewer collection systems, water and waste water treatment plant optimization, analysis and design of plant processes, hydraulic modeling for potable, reclaimed and waste water pipe networks, permitting and permit reporting with FDEP and SJRWMD, Water and Waste water Master Planning, including projecting water and waste water system demands and evaluating current demands, evaluating current system conditions, and establishing a long term prioritized Capital Improvement Plan.