BID #11830
Building Construction Building Construction Prep and Demo 


Due Date: Ongoing

Pre Bid Meeting Date:2013-02-12 00:00:00

INVITATION TO BID KOLIGANEK SCHOOL REPLACEMENT, KOLIGANEK ALASKA The Southwest Region School District is soliciting bids for the construction of approx. 17,900 sf of new school, boiler building, water tank, and supporting site work and utilities. Includes demolition of existing K-12 school, all related hazardous abatement, and the demolition or relocation of other existing site structures. Complete bidding documents for this project will be available on January 18th, 2013 in electronic form only. They may be viewed online and downloaded without charge and without deposit from Submittal Exchange: Contact submittal exchange directly at 1-800-714-0024, extension 219 for technical issues. A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00am AK time, February 12, 2013 at USKH Inc., 2515 A Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503. Published: January 20, 23, 26, 2013

Original BID Post: Go to Post

Phone Number: 907-343-4590

City of Anchorage