BID #11690
Building Construction 

Agenda Mgmt/Packet Creation/Video Streaming Software Solution

Due Date: Ongoing

CITY OF WAUWATOSA PURCHASING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AGENDA MANAGEMENT/PACKET CREATION/VIDEO STREAMING SOFTWARE OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSALS WANTED: Formal sealed bid proposals (ONE UNBOUND ORIGINAL, SIX COPIES AND ONE ELECTRONIC (CD-ROM) COPY IN MS WORD) will be received until 2:00 p.m., Monday, February 20, 2012, by the City of Wauwatosa Purchasing Office located at 7725 West North Avenue, City Hall, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, 53213, and forwarded to the City Clerk for evaluation. The City is interested in receiving proposals from qualified vendors to provide a complete turnkey solution to automate the city's agenda management process and video steaming including all hardware, software, complete onsite installation and training services. All proposals must be in accordance with the attached request dated January 25, 2012. If additional information is needed to interpret the specifications/ requirements, written questions should be directed to Carla Ledesma, City Clerk, or, Robert Luedtke, Assistant Information Technology Manager, at the above address, via fax at (414) 479-8989, or via e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected] . All questions must be in writing and received by the close of business (4:00 P.M. CT) on Friday February, 10, 2012. All submittals must be in a sealed container and clearly marked in the lower left corner: "RFP – AGENDA MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL". Copies of this Request for Proposal are available by email by contracting the Purchasing Office at (414) 479-8958. Vendor certifies that his proposal has been made without connection to any other supplier and is, in all respects, fair and without collusion or fraud, and is made with the understanding that no elected official or Wauwatosa City employee has an interest, directly, or indirectly, unless otherwise stated. The City of Wauwatosa reserves exclusively to itself the right to reject any or all proposals, or to accept the proposal deemed most advantageous to the City and to waive any or all technicalities or informalities in submitted proposals. No proposals, alterations, or modifications to proposals shall be allowed after the date of submission. Questions concerning this request should be directed to Carla Ledesma, City Clerk at (414) 479-8918, or Robert Luedtke, Assistant IT Manager at (414) 479-8925. Dated: Janaury 25, 2012

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Purchasing Department
Phone Number: 414-479-8958

City of Wauwatosa