BID #11688
Building Construction
2012 Roof Replacements
Due Date: Ongoing
The City of Wauwatosa will receive sealed proposals for 2012 Roof Replacements on various Municipal Buildings until 11:01 A.M. Local Time, Thursday, August 2, 2012, at the office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 7725 W. North Avenue, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Common Council Chambers at the City Hall, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. CONTRACT 12-25 2012 ROOF REPLACEMENTS The work under this contract involves removal and replacement of existing roofs on several Municipal Buildings in the City of Wauwatosa. All work shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file in the Engineering Office of the City of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. The work under this Contract is divided into two Base Bid Divisions, and one Alternate Bid as follows: DIVISION – A The work under Division-A involves complete removal and replacement of the built-up roofing system on the Westmost Roof of the Wauwatosa Municipal Complex located at 7725 W. North Avenue. The approximate area to be re-roofed is 13,900 square feet. All of the existing roofing materials shall be completely removed and replaced with a new four-ply built-up roof system over tapered rigid insulation. The work also includes removal and replacement of the prefinished metal fascia at the perimeter of the roof. DIVISION – B The work under Division-B involves removal and replacement of approximately 13,755 square feet of shingle roofing on the Muellner Building (Hart Park Senior Center) located at 7300 W. Chestnut Street. Approximately 9,930 square feet of the roof is barrel-shaped. The remainder of the area to be replaced is on a gabled roof. The work also includes removal and replacement of the gutters and downspouts, miscellaneous repairs, and complete reconstruction of the building's cupola. ALTERNATE BID A1: The work under Alternate Bid-A1 involves complete removal and replacement of the built-up roofing system on the Parks Maintenance Building located at Hart Park, 7300 W. Chestnut Street. The approximate area to be re-roofed is 9,300 square feet. All of the existing roofing materials shall be completely removed and replaced with a single-ply adhered EPDM roofing system. The work also includes miscellaneous repairs and removal and replacement of the gutters and downspouts. Alternate Bid Items are for the Owner's consideration. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Alternate Bids. Copies of the contract documents may be obtained at the City of Wauwatosa Engineering Office located at 7725 W. North Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI 53213, (414) 479-8927. There will be a nonrefundable Twenty Five Dollar ($25.00) charge for contract documents. The City will not send contract documents to local contractors or suppliers. However, the City will send out contract documents to non-local firms provided a FedEx number accompanies the request. The firm requesting the contract documents shall pay all costs for the shipping. Bids shall be addressed to the City Clerk of the City of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin and marked "Bid for Contract 12-25, 2012 Roof Replacements". No bid shall be withdrawn after the opening of bids for a period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled time of closing of bids. All proposals must be submitted on a form provided for that purpose, together with a certified check or bid bond equal to five (5) percent of the bid payable to the City of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, as a guarantee that if his bid is accepted, the successful bidder will execute and file the proper contract and bonds within ten (10) days after notification of award of the contract. In case the successful bidder shall fail to execute such contract and bonds, the amount of the check or bid bond shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages. Contractor shall pay not less than the wage rates set forth in the proposed contract which have been established in accordance with the provisions of Section 66.293, Wisconsin Statutes and / or Section 400 of the Contract Documents. The letting of the work described herein is subject to the provisions of Section 66.29, Wisconsin Statutes, requiring the bidder to furnish proof of responsibility. Bidder prequalification is required on forms furnished by the City of Wauwatosa and submitted to the Director of Public Works. Prequalification forms submitted after 5 days preceding the contract letting date shall be cause for the rejecting of bids. The time allowed for completion of the work of Contract 12-25 shall be: November 2, 2012. Liquidated damages for failure to complete the work in accordance with the dates set forth above shall be Two Hundred Seventy dollars ($270.00) for each day in excess thereof. In addition to the specified liquidated damages, the Contractor will be charged for each and every day inspection services are required after time of completion has expired. This charge will be based on the actual costs of inspection, construction supervision, clerical and administrative costs and overhead charges. One pre-bid meeting will take place on Thursday, July 26, 2012 (local time). Interested parties should meet at the City of Wauwatosa Engineering Department, upper level, City Hall, 7725 W. North Avenue, City of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. Attendance is not mandatory. The Contractor shall develop, implement and maintain a substance abuse prevention program which complies with State of Wisconsin Act 181 (Chapter 103.503 of the State Statutes) and Sections 00200 (Part 1.22) and 505.09 of this Contract. The program must cover all union and non-union employees who work on City of Wauwatosa construction sites. A required "Affidavit of Compliance" is included in Section 00300. Bidders shall refer to Section 504.17 of the Bid Documents for ‘Contractors Insurance' requirements. Note that the Contractor shall, for the life of this Contract, maintain Umbrella / Excess Liability coverage totaling $5,000,000 in accordance with Section 504.17 (b)(2). The right to reject or accept any or all bids and the right to waive any informalities in bidding is reserved to the City of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. Dated at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin June 27, 2012 Carla Ledesma, City Clerk Wauwatosa, Wisconsin